Spring Concert and Art Show
Kilmer Center hosted an Art and Music Show June 2, 2017. A variety of art pieces were displayed: primarily- collage, drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics, and paper sculpture. Each student (outside of one or two students) displayed a minimum of two art pieces. Most of the projects with the Transition students aligned with the FCPS art curriculum to prepare them for transitioning back into the larger school settings. Nearly all of the directives (for both the transitions students and the IDS students) were aligned with their Occupational Therapy goals in order to give them a vast array of opportunities to increase their access to the skills that they need to work on. Both the IDS and transition students worked on choice making and communication during groups that were aligned with their ability levels whether it was choice making through eye gaze, touch, yes/no, or on a voice output device, etc.
Goals for the Hollywood themed music performances incorporated cognitive goals of active listening/direction following (instrument playing) as well as memorization. This concert has also incorporated social skills. The students learned to cohesively play listening to one another. They also learned to respect the instruments they and others have chosen. This experience has also enhanced their communication skills. One student signed and vocalizing her part. Others signed during their class’ performance. Room 7 wrote their own song for this concert. Eleven of the twelve classrooms chose their performance pieces.
Numerous IDS students independently played through switch-activated instruments and some students with hand-under assistance. They all worked very hard on their specific pieces during their music therapy sessions since the fall. Families and friends were moved and impressed with the students talents!