School Clinic/Medication/Health Related Procedures

Notify the school immediately of any changes in phone numbers, medications, or contact information

The responsibilities of the school's nurse are: routine care of minor injuries or illnesses; administration of medications; training of staff to administer health care procedures; and observation of students experiencing medical issues such as seizures, seizure-like behaviors, or other symptoms that are different from teh student's normal state. The nurse assists the Principal in making decisions on whether a student should remain in school; suggests alternatives to the environment that may assist the student and provides information to emergency personnell in the event that they are called on to assist.


Prescription and over the counter medications may be administered in school according to FCPS regulations. School personnel may not administer any medication without proper authorization and until reviewed by the Principal and Nurse. Prescription medications must be accompanied by written orders from the physician and must be in the original container, properly labeled with a pharmacy label identifying the student, medication, exact dose and time to be given at school and delivered to the school by the parent. Over the counter medications can be administered under the FCPS guidelines. Any changes in the student's medication, dosage, or schedule at home or at school should be reported to the school nurse, Principal, or teacher.

Health Care Procedures

For specific health care procedures such as g-tube feeding and venting, tracheal and oral suctioning, vagal nerve stimulators, and other ordered procedures. The Health Services Information detail the steps necessary to have the procedure done at school. The school nurse will assist the family in filing out the forms and training the staff in the administration of the procedure. Parents may be requested to train school staff and demonstrate a health care procedure.