Visitations/Late Arrivals/Early Pick-ups

Notify the school immediately of any changes in phone numbers, medications, or contact information


Parents are encouraged to visit their student's classroom and support school events. All visitors must report to the front office upon arrival, sign in, and obtain a visitor's badge. Upon leaving, the visitor should sign out and return the visitor's badge. To arrange a classroom visit, parents shall notify the teacher at least 24 hours in advance to ensure the student will be in the classroom at the time of the visit. When observing in a classroom, visitors are requested to silently observe their student to gain knowledge of the instructional practices implemented in the classroom. A follow-up meeting may be arranged at another time with the teacher.

Late Arrival

*Please sign your student in at the front office. A staff member will escort your student to the classroom.

Early Pick-Up

Please check in at the main office for early pickups. Your student will be escorted to the front office. Remember to sign your student out in the office